A common concern for people who own rental properties is how to protect their investment. When you own a home or property that you rent to other people, it can feel like you are shouldering all of the risk in the relationship.
For instance, if the renter is unable or refuses to pay their rent, what are your options? A good way to protect yourself as a rental property owner is to hire a qualified and experienced property management company.
A full-service property management company can provide various layers of protection for you and your property; including handling the eviction process.
Having to deal with a tenant eviction can be a highly-stressful and disruptive process for a property owner.
Not only is there a concern about the issue that caused the eviction but, there is also a complex series of steps that must be taken to facilitate the process legally.
The Orange Realty Property Management team can facilitate the entire process on your behalf. The steps of the eviction process include:
Step 1: Assessing The Reason For Eviction
Not all evictions are the same. In fact, there are various reasons that will justify a property owner filing an eviction against their renter. Some of those reasons are; failure to pay rent, conducting illegal activities on the property, subletting the rental, etc.
Each of these reasons require a different type of eviction notice.
Step 2: Serving The Appropriate Notice
Once the type of eviction has been assessed and the notice drafted, the tenant must be notified. Pursuant to Nevada state law, the tenant may be notified by either the eviction notice being posted on the property, the notice being left with a person of suitable age who is physically at the property, or by being served in-person with the eviction notice.
Step 3: Serving A Second Eviction Notice – If Necessary
If the tenant is being evicted for any reason other than failure to pay rent, a second eviction notice may be necessary. The same notice delivery methods are applicable with the second notice as were the first.
Step 4: Filing A Complaint With The Court
While the eviction notice will usually stipulate that the tenant must leave the premises with five to 30 days, some tenants do not comply with this mandate. In these cases, a complaint must be filed with the court requesting a formal eviction order be issued.
Step 5: Attending Possible Court Case
If the tenant disputes the eviction or files an answer to the court order, a court appearance may be necessary to discuss the terms of the eviction. Our team will appear in court on your behalf to represent and protect your best interests.
Step 6: Having The Tenant Removed
Once the court case has concluded and the Judge has ordered the formal eviction, the tenant will need to be removed from the property. Our team will contact law enforcement to have the tenant and their belongings removed from your property.
Evicting a tenant is a messy and stressful process. Thankfully, when you work with an experienced and professional property management team, you can avoid having to get involved in the eviction process entirely.
Working with the right property management team means you get to enjoy all of the financial benefits of having rental properties – without the added stress and inconvenience of tenant evictions.