The internet has completely changed the way that people shop for houses. However, one thing that hasn’t changed is how much people value the listing pictures when it comes time to decide on which homes they are going to visit and walk through.
One of the best investments you can make when listing your home for sale is high quality listing photos. Your home should be clean and tidy and you should prepare for the photoshoot the same way that you would an open house.
Here are a couple of tips to follow to make sure you – and your home – are ready for a close up!
If you want to be taken seriously – try not to list your home before the photos are ready
Most people who are shopping for a home in today’s market have signed up for text alerts and emails that let them know when a home that matches their criteria comes on the market. The first thing they are going to do is to pull out their phone or tablet and scroll the pictures of the property. If your listing doesn’t have photos – they will quickly check it off of the list of potential matches.
Declutter, clean and organize your home prior to the photoshoot
While the photoshoot will only be a camera person walking around your home taking photos, you should treat the session as though you are hosting an elegant dinner party with your favorite celebrity and clean accordingly. The photos will not be able to hide years of clutter and dust if you choose not to get your home prepared for having pictures taken. If you want your home to be able to compete – you need to make sure you are putting your best foot forward.
Photos must be professional and high-quality
Pictures that are poorly lit or blurry will not sell your home. In fact, they may even cause your home to be on the market for so long that you have to reduce your asking price to get any traction. When you have your listing photos taken make sure you work with someone who has experience taking real estate photos and knows how to set the right lighting to make your home look its absolute best.
The more photos you have … the better
When potential buyers get that text or email notification that a house with their exact specifications has come on the market, the first thing they want to see is an array of photos that show exactly what the house looks like – in every room. The more photos you can get and posted – the better of an impression your home will make on potential buyers.